Here is what has been updated in August: all signal tests for the Amtrak Chicago Sub, everything Amtrak Michigan Sub, everything CN (Route and speed signals), everything NORAC, everything NS, and everything UP.
Basically, everything includes verifying that there were no aspect and/or indication changes, and in the case of CN Route signals, updating the graphics on rules 804 and 805 to include the new aspect lineup as shown in the current CN rule book. Also, all of the headers for each practice exam have been updated to reflect the new governing rule book or special instruction currently in effect, as well as updating the links that point to the new books.
This year, instead of only providing excerpts containing strictly the signal material, I've decided to include the entire book or special instructions for reference. This will ensure that you have access to other relevant material or instructions that relate to the particular signals you are studying.
This should bring everything up to date but if you see something that isn't, please send me a message and I'll get on it!