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CORA West Signal Reference & Test Tips / BNSF Chicago wye map from CORA...
Last post by x2000 - September 25, 2021, 11:01:06 AM
See the attached PDF. This is the territory for the signals in the CORA West exam. Conductor notes on the map in red.

Excerpts from the Amtrak 2015 Chicago Terminal PC Study Guide:

B3 Signal Southward on Main 3. This signal at B3 is a dwarf signal that will route trains to go West into the Wye or continue South to crossover into Main 4. (Signal 3S)

BNSF Dispatcher from 6 am to 10 pm is Union Ave & from 10 pm to 6 am is the East End Dispatcher on BNSF Main Tracks Road Channel 66-66
Union Ave Interlocking is controlled by BNSF dispatcher for wye movements between B3 & B2 or B1

B – 1, & B – 2 South of CP Roosevelt
Beginning at CP Roosevelt on B-1 & B-2 is the beginning of the BNSF territory. Signals South of CP Roosevelt are BNSF signals, not Amtrak Chicago Terminal Signals.
Everything else railroad signal related / Can you pass a signal field te...
Last post by x2000 - September 25, 2021, 10:43:43 AM
Just some notes from research I did for a SMART brother who didn't pass his field test after not passing the initial color test at his physical. You used to be able to take a second test right in the doctors office but the FRA changed the testing guidelines. He wasn't the only one who got knocked out because of this.

49 CFR Part 240

No person shall be allowed to wear chromatic lenses during an initial test of the person's color vision; the initial test is one conducted in accordance with one of the accepted tests in the chart and § 240.121(c)(3).

49 CFR Part 242, Appendix D to Part 242 - Medical Standards Guidelines
No person shall be allowed to wear chromatic lenses during an initial test of the person's color vision; the initial test is one conducted in accordance with one of the accepted tests in the chart and § 242.117(h)(3).

(4) An examinee who fails to meet the criteria in the chart, may be further evaluated as determined by the railroad's medical examiner. Ophthalmologic referral, field testing, or other practical color testing may be utilized depending on the experience of the examinee. The railroad's medical examiner will review all pertinent information and, under some circumstances, may restrict an examinee who does not meet the criteria for serving as a conductor at night, during adverse weather conditions or under other circumstances.

It doesn't say chromatic lenses cannot be used for field testing.
ADA must reasonable accommodate him

(e) If the examination required under this section discloses that the person needs corrective lenses or a hearing aid, or both, either to meet the threshold acuity levels established in this section or to meet a lower threshold determined by the railroad's medical examiner to be sufficient to perform as a conductor, that fact shall be noted on the certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of this part.

---- wear corrective lenses and not on certification ----

Contact Us / Contact info
Last post by x2000 - September 23, 2021, 02:36:42 PM
Richard Lent

I'm happy to answer any question you may have about this site. I also welcome inquires about group/organization rates. I can customize any signal quiz/testing program you like to fit your needs to accommodate any number of users.

If the signal group you need is not listed, no problem! I can build any practice test for you per your specifications at a reasonable price. All I need is a digital copy of the rule book or territory special instructions.
About / About this site
Last post by x2000 - September 22, 2021, 01:54:22 PM
This site was created and is maintained by Richard Lent. I am a former conductor previously qualified on CN, CSX, GCOR, NORAC, and NS rules. While actively working I created a website for SMART-TD Local 168 (and shared with the BLET) which featured signal practice along with other union related material. Utilizing the ProProfs platform for quiz delivery, over 25,000 practice exams have been taken by conductors, engineers, managers, and others.

The streamlined was launched in 2021 as a way to continue providing signal practice exams to my brothers and sisters nationwide.

Last trip at Amtrak. That's me on the left with Alfred Roy and Steve Wilson!
Everything else railroad signal related / Railroad signals
Last post by x2000 - September 22, 2021, 12:42:26 PM
Post a reply to anything related to railroad signals or create your own topic on the board! Also post any questions about this website or signal testing in general here.
CORA West Signal Reference & Test Tips / CORA West Chicago Wye signal t...
Last post by x2000 - September 22, 2021, 11:10:06 AM
CORA West Chicago Wye Signals

Should be no three headed combinations on the Amtrak test because of physical characteristics of the Wye.  Also no Approach Limited, Advance Approach, or Diverging Approach Diverging.
AM & AR are the only two SPEED SIGNALS, the rest are ROUTE SIGNALS (Diverging)


Y, Y/R is Approach. Pretty much the same as NS, but also Y/D, and D/Y

Y/L, and also Y/Flashing R are both Approach Restricting
(They both have the restricting characteristic under the yellow. Also, it's just these two combinations for A/R)

Approach Medium (AM radio tower, Top 40 - from an old head in the yard) is:  Anything Yellow flashing on top and also solid Y/Y

R/Y is Diverging Approach

R/Flashing Y is Diverging Approach Medium (a little tricky)

Restricting:  Anything flashing Red except for Y/Flashing Red (which is Approach Restricting)

Restricting:  Anything with a Lunar except for Y/Lunar (which is Approach Restricting)

Restricting:  Anything solid Red or Red/Dark combination with a number plate or G marker

STOP:  Name for Stop is STOP:  Anything all solid Red or Red/Dark combo (w/out a number plate).

STOP: R/D with the semaphore looks like it could be a Restricting. Easy to get wrong.


All indications start with "Proceed".

Approach and Diverging Approach:  Trains exceeding 30 MPH immediately reduce. Note: Speed is 40 MPH for passenger trains.

If name starts with Approach indication starts with Proceed prepared to pass or Proceed prepared to stop.

If name starts with Diverging indication starts with Proceed on diverging.

Diverging Approach Medium only one that's 35 MPH. DAM!

Clear is 'Proceed', all POD are 'not exceeding', AM is 'at prescribed speed'

Clear: KISS        Proceed

Approach Medium: **  PPP  ***********  Proceed prepared to pass... not exceeding [40] Top 40 enter diverging at prescribed

Approach Restricting:**  PPP  *********  Proceed prepared to pass...

Approach: **  PPS  *****************  Proceed prepared to stop        [30/40]

Diverging Clear: ** POD  ************    Proceed on diverging route not exceeding... 
Diverging Approach Medium: **  POD  **  Proceed on diverging route not exceeding...        [35/40]

Diverging Approach: **  POD  ********    Proceed on diverging route not exceeding...        [30/40]

Restricting: ** KISS  ***************      Proceed at restricted speed.

Stop: **  KISS  *******************    Stop

KISS = Keep it simple stupid, PPP = Proceed Prepared Pass, PPS = Proceed Prepared Stop, POD = Proceed On Diverging

Note: 'not exceeding' on the Diverging signals is more restrictive than Chi Sub which is 'at prescribed speed', except for Chi Sub Clear, which is 'not exceeding'.

Approach Medium is 'not exceeding', then 'at prescribed speed'.

Updated 05/12/22 R LENT

NS Conrail Signal Reference & Test Tips / NS Conrail Color Light signal ...
Last post by x2000 - September 22, 2021, 11:00:38 AM
Norfolk Southern
NS Conrail Color Light Signals

Speed first in the name, it is a X-over


Dwarfs (everything in the names section)

Read these four dwarfs same as a high stand: Same as CN GTW
              Y/Flashing G = Approach Limited
              Y/G = Approach Medium
              Y/Y = Approach Slow
              R/Y = Restricting

These dwarfs are worth remembering:

Flashing G/R, and Flashing G = Limited Clear
R/Y, and Y = Restricting
No dwarf for Approach

G/R = Slow Clear
G/Flashing R = Medium Clear (Flashing upgrade from Slow Clear)

> If it's flashing red it's medium something (Jeff B).

Flashing Y, and Y/R = Slow Approach (opposite of Restricting)
Y/Flashing R = Medium Approach (Flashing upgrade from Slow Approach)

> If it's flashing red it's medium something.


Slow, Medium, and Limited in indications  (No MPH) Just like CSX.

Everything starts with 'Proceed', except for Stop.

Clear: Proceed at authorized speed, everything else, at XXX speed.

ICS (my abbreviation, not the NS) for all X-over signals – "until entire train clears all Interlocking, controlled point or spring switches"

These signals contain 'then proceed at authorized speed' after the ICS portion.  LC, MC, SC

Restricting – ends with 'entered Rule 171 territory'. (Non-signaled main track)

Approach : Exceeding Medium Speed must at once reduce...

Approach Slow, and Slow Approach both have Slow Speed, then Medium Speed in them.
Medium Approach Medium has Medium Speed in it four times

Advance Approach has Limited Speed in it twice.

Updated 5/31/22 R LENT
Reviewed for accuracy 8/29/24 R LENT

Also see the attached PDF but the info on this page will typically be more current.
CSX Standard Signal Reference & Test Tips / CSX Standard Color Light signa...
Last post by x2000 - September 22, 2021, 10:44:04 AM
CSX Standard Signals (Rules 1281 – 1298)

SPEED SIGNALS: Slow, Medium, and Limited – Nothing Diverging


Middle aspect – Anything other than red, Medium somewhere in the name (unless it's flashing, then it's Limited)
Bottom aspect – Anything other than red, Slow somewhere in the name (unless it's flashing, then it's Medium)

Flashing bumps up one level. From Slow to Medium or from Medium to Limited.
Disregard any lower red lights (high stands and dwarfs), they only demonstrate that the light is working

Restricting(s) all have a lunar in them
R/Y high stand is Medium Approach
R/R/Y is Slow Approach.
All red with a G marker is Grade
All red with number plate or P is Restricted Proceed
Y/Y  is Advance Approach
R/Y/Y  Medium Advance Approach (same as CN)

More or less the dwarfs follow the same convention.

Read the lights on two headed dwarfs as if they were high stand signals.
Y/Y dwarf Medium Advance Approach is an exception (it's not an Advance Approach).
No dwarf (color light) for Approach

Read single head dwarfs like this:
Y is Slow Approach
G is Slow Clear (same as NS)

Disregard bottom reds on dwarfs just like high stand signals:
Y/R is Slow Approach (same as NS)
G/R is Slow Clear (same as NS)


Slow, Medium, and Limited in indications  (No MPH). Just like NS.
Clear:  Proceed.  Everything else either proceed or 'not exceeding' except Restricting which is 'at'.

TCS OPP is my own acronym to help me remember. It is not a railroad term anyone else would know.

TCS OPP (applies to any signal that starts with a speed first in the name – Slow, Medium, or Limited)
Also, when speed is the first word in the name, it is also the first word in the indication.
[ XXX Speed]      ... through turnouts, crossovers, sidings, and over power-operated switches then proceed

TCS OPP applies to the nine signals below:

Limited Clear:  Limited Speed ... then proceed
Limited Approach:  Limited Speed ... prepared to stop next signal
Medium Clear:  Medium Speed ... then proceed
Medium Approach Medium:  Medium Speed ... then Medium
Medium Approach Slow:  Medium Speed ... then Slow
Medium Advance Approach:  Medium Speed ... prepared to stop second signal
Medium Approach:  Medium Speed ...  prepared to stop next signal
Slow Clear:  Slow Speed ... then proceed
Slow Approach:  Slow Speed ... prepared to stop next signal

Approach:  ... exceeding Medium Speed immediately begin reduction ... as soon as locomotive passes.

Restricting:                  Proceed at Restricted Speed.
Restricted Proceed:  Proceed at Restricted Speed
Grade:                          Proceed at Restricted Speed

Approach Slow:          Proceed, approaching next signal not exceeding Slow Speed.
Approach Medium:    Proceed, approaching next signal not exceeding Medium Speed.
Approach Limited:      Proceed, approaching next signal not exceeding Limited Speed.

Updated 9/13/22 R LENT
Reviewed for accuracy 8/29/24 R LENT

*See the attached PDF for better formatting if printing, or, hit the PRINT button.
FAQ / How to post a topic or a reply...
Last post by x2000 - September 22, 2021, 10:31:01 AM
We highly encourage you to post relevant information regarding signal testing on this website, particularly in the test tips sections. You must register an account prior to posting but once you've done that it's a simple process to post. To create a new topic simply hit the NEW TOPIC button and compose your message. Once you're done hit the Post button. To reply to an existing topic just hit the REPLY Button and compose your message. Just like for a topic, hit the POST button when you're done.

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Diverging first in the name, it is a Turnout


No Slow, Medium, or Limited in names. All have 'Diverging' in place of speed designation.

Anything with a Flashing R in it = Restricting. Applies to high stand and dwarfs.

Anything with a Lunar in it = Restricting. Applies to high stand and dwarfs.

R/R/Y and also R/Y = Diverging Approach (not Restricting)

Read these 3 dwarfs just like high stands

R/Y = Diverging Approach
G = Clear (station tracks)
Y = Approach  (One of the few signal groups that has a dwarf approach)

This dwarf position light POT signal is unique. It looks like E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
Dumb Alien = Diverging Approach


Every indication starts with 'Proceed".

Clear is 'not exceeding maximum authorized speed', everything else is 'at prescribed speed'.

Take turnouts 'at prescribed speed' (in all 3 indications that have Diverging in the name).

Diverging Clear   
Approach Diverging
Diverging Approach

Note: 'at prescribed speed' is opposite of CORA West which is 'not exceeding' for Diverging signals.

If signal name has 'Diverging' in it so does the indication.

Approach, and Diverging Approach:  Prepare to stop. Exceeding 30 MPH immediately reduce.

Restricting short description: Proceed at Restricted Speed.

Updated 9/29/21 R LENT
Reviewed for accuracy 8/29/24 R LENT

*Same info in the attached PDF.